Documentation of CT_plots

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  Start with the CT index

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Listing of script CT_plots


%  Load the CT index
cd /home/disk/tao/dvimont/Data/Indices
load -ascii CT.asc

%  The first column is the year, so retain only 1948--1998
year = CT(:,1);
keepyear = find(ismember(year, 1948:1998));

year = year(keepyear);
ct = CT(keepyear,2:13)/100;

%  Reshape the CT index (now nyr X nmo) to a vector
ct = repmat(NaN, [length(year)*12, 1]);
for i = 1:length(year);
  ind = 12*(i-1)+[1:12];
  ct(ind) = CT(keepyear(i),2:13);
ct = ct/100;

%  Load SST data for regressions.  We'll use NCEP Reanalysis
cd /home/disk/tao/data/nmc.reanalysis/monthly

filename = '';
varname = 'air';
xylims = [0 360 -90 90];  %  xylims = [minlon maxlon minlat maxlat];
level = 1;  %  This is arbitrary for a 3-D (but not for a 4-D) field
timelims = [1:612];  %  Monthly data, 1948:1998

[sst, lat, lon] = getnc2(filename, varname, xylims, level, timelims);

%  Start by removing the annual cycle from sst and ct index

[sst, clim] = annave(sst);
[ct, ctclim] = annave(ct);

%  Next, reshape the data, so we can generate covariance maps
%  Note:  we can reshape the data back to 3-D at any time by
%         the command:  sst = reshape(sst, ntim, nlat, nlon);

[ntim, nlat, nlon] = size(sst);
sst = reshape(sst, ntim, nlat*nlon);

%  Get regression map of sst onto ct index

regmap = ct'*sst/(var(ct)*ntim-1);
regmap = reshape(regmap, nlat, nlon);

%  Plot the data:

%  First, set up map window and such

figure(1); fl(1); clf;
get_global; global_figs(9, 6, 0, 0, 1.5);
dg(lat, lon);

sp(1,1); cla
  maxes('mollweid', [0 180]);
%  Next, contour data using only solid, black contours

  [c, h] = contorm(YAX2, XAX2, regmap, [-2:.1:2], 'k');

%  Block out land:

  dcmfill(1, 0.7);
  gridm on;
%  Label the max and mins manually

  cl = clabelm(c, 'manual');
sp(1,1); cla
  maxes('mollweid', [0 180]);
%  Next, contour data using only solid for positive, dashed for negative

  [c, h] = contorm(YAX2, XAX2, regmap, [.1:.1:2], '-k');
  hold on;
    [c2, h2] = contorm(YAX2, XAX2, regmap, [-2:.1:-.1], '--k');
  hold off;
%  Block out land:

  dcmfill(1, 0.7);
  gridm on;

%  Mess around with shading

color_trans; colormap(cmap);

sp(1,1); cla;
  maxes('mollweid', [0 200]);
  surfacem(YAX2, XAX2, regmap);
  caxis([-1 1]);
  gridm on;

regmap = ct'*sst/(std(ct)*(ntim-1));
regmap = reshape(regmap, nlat, nlon);

sp(1,1); cla;
  maxes('mollweid', [0 200]);
  surfacem(YAX2, XAX2, regmap);
  caxis([-1 1]);
  gridm on;

regmap = standardize(ct)'*standardize(sst)./(ntim-1);
regmap = reshape(regmap, nlat, nlon);

FRAME = [0 360 -90 90];
sp(1,1); cla;
  maxes('mercator', [0 200]);
  surfacem(YAX3, XAX3, [regmap regmap(:,1)]);
  caxis([-1 1]);
  gridm on;

  for i = 1:3; cmap2(:,i) = interp(cmap(:,i), 5); end;
  cmap2(cmap2>1) = 1;