Documentation of maxes

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Function Synopsis

[hh, cc] = mcont3(mstyle, origin);

Help text

  maxes(mstyle, origin);

  The default mstyle is North Polar Stereographic ('stereo'), 
  centered at the north pole, and 270 degrees.  This should
  all be pretty easy to change, though.  FRAME defines the
  axes limits

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls This function is called by

Listing of function maxes

function [hh, cc] = mcont3(mstyle, origin);

%  Dan Vimont, 23 July, 2001

%  First, determine if hold is 'on', or 'off'.

next_ax = lower(get(gca, 'NextPlot'));
if strcmp(next_ax, 'replace');  cla;  end;

%  Get the global varaibles XAX YAX and FRAME


if nargin < 1; mstyle = 'mollweid'; end;
if nargin < 2; origin = []; end;

%  Define map axis:
axesm('mapprojection', mstyle, ...
      'origin', origin, ...
      'maplatlimit', FRAME(3:4), ...
      'maplonlimit', FRAME(1:2));

set(gca, 'NextPlot', next_ax);