Documentation of contourfm2

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Function Synopsis

varargout = contourfm(varargin)

Help text

CONTOURFM  Filled contour map. 

  CONTOURFM(lat,lon,map) produces a contour plot of map data projected
  onto the current map axes.  The input latitude and longitude vectors
  can be the size of map (as in a general matrix map), or can specify the 
  corresponding row and column dimensions for the map.

  CONTOURFM(map,maplegend) produces a contour plot of map data in a 
  regular matrix map.

  CONTOURFM(lat,lon,map,'LineSpec') uses any valid LineSpec string
  to draw the contour lines.

  CONTOURFM(lat,lon,map,'PropertyName',PropertyValue,...) uses the
  line properties specified to draw the contours.

  CONTOURFM(lat,lon,map,n,...) draws n contour levels, where n is a scalar.

  CONTOURFM(lat,lon,map,v,...) draws contours at the levels specified
  by the input vector v.

  CONTOURFM(map,maplegend,...) takes any of the optional arguments 
  described above.

  c = CONTOURFM(...) returns a standard contour matrix, with the first
  row representing longitude data and the second row represents
  latitude data.

  [c,h] = CONTOURFM(...) returns the contour matrix and the handles
  to the contour lines drawn.

  CONTOURFM, without any inputs, will activate a GUI to project contour
  lines onto the current map axes.


Cross-Reference Information

This function calls

Listing of function contourfm2

function varargout = contourfm(varargin)

%  Copyright 1996-1998 by Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc. and The MathWorks, Inc.
%  Written by:  W. Stumpf

if nargin == 0
    contor3mui;   return
elseif nargin < 2
	error('Incorrect number of arguments.')

%  Test for a map axes

[mstruct,msg] = gcm;
if ~isempty(msg)

% construct the graticule if needed

nargin0 = nargin;
if isequal(size(varargin{2}),[1 3]) % map, maplegend calling form
	map = varargin{1};
	maplegend = varargin{2};
	[lat,lon] = meshgrat(map,maplegend,size(map));
	varargin = {lat,lon,map,varargin{3:end}};
	nargin0 = nargin+1;

lat = varargin{1};
lon = varargin{2};
map = varargin{3};
if nargin0 > 3 & isnumeric(varargin{4}) & length(varargin{4})>1;
	v = varargin{4}; % contour levels
	v = [];

%  Adjust the input data to vectors if necessary

if any([ndims(lat) ndims(lon) ndims(map)] > 2)
    msg = 'Lat, lon and map inputs can not have pages';
	if nargout ~= 3;  error(msg);   end

if length(lat) == 2 & length(lat) ~= size(map,1) & ...
	 length(lon) == 2 & length(lon) ~= size(map,2)     %  Assume limits of map
    [lat,lon] = meshgrat(lat,lon,size(map));
	varargin{1} = lat;
	varargin{2} = lon;
elseif min(size(lat))==1 & length(lat) ~= size(map,1)
    msg = 'Length of lat input must match number of rows in map';
	if nargout ~= 3;  error(msg);   end
elseif min(size(lat)) ~= 1 & ~isequal(size(lat),size(map))
    msg = 'Lat and Map inputs must be the same size';
	if nargout ~= 3;  error(msg);   end
elseif min(size(lon))==1 & length(lon) ~= size(map,2)
    msg = 'Length of lon input must match number of columns in map';
	if nargout ~= 3;  error(msg);   end
elseif min(size(lon))~=1 & ~isequal(size(lon),size(map))
    msg = 'Lon and Map inputs must be the same size';
	if nargout ~= 3;  error(msg);   end

% initialize the map frame if neccesary. Do this to avoid odd
% display problems when frame is added.

hframe = handlem('Frame');
if isempty(hframe);
	hframe = framem;

% Create the filled contours using Matlab's CONTOURF.
% Call as CONTOURF(lon,lat,map,...). This gets lat and long in the 
% corret row of the contour matrix.

varargin{1} = lon;
varargin{2} = lat;

[c,h] = contourf(varargin{:});

% Compute the areas of the patches in unprojected coordinates.
% We'll need these below to color the frame properly

area0 = cartarea(h);

% Project the data


% Tag it


% Hide seams in data, like through Africa in topo


% Adding the frame messes up the color mapping/stacking. This
% is apparently a renderer bug in a particular branch of TMW code.
% Ensure that patches are stacked correctly by changing the 
% zdata after the projection is applied. This stacking order may 
% not be correct if the projection is changes. Stacking is based 
% on area in projected coordinates.

area1 = cartarea(h);

% Azimuthal projections may fail to fill properly for the same reason
% that antarctica may fail to fill properly in a north polar polar
% projection. The patch may transform to a ribbon along the edge of
% the map. Without an artificial cut out to the outside, the 
% inside and outside can be reversed.

% Adjust the frame. 

framez = get(hframe,'ZData');
newz = min( min(framez), min(min(h-max(h))-1) );

% Assign the output arguments

if nargout >= 1; varargout{1} = c; end
if nargout == 2; varargout{2} = h; end

function area = cartarea(h)
%CARTAREA computes area of patches in projected coordinates

% code chunk from contourf.m

area = zeros(size(h)); % preallocate memory

for i=1:length(h)
        vertices = get(h(i),'Vertices') ;
        xp = vertices(:,1);
        yp = vertices(:,2);
		xp = [NaN; xp ; NaN]; yp = [NaN; yp; NaN];
		[xp,yp] = singleNaN(xp,yp);
		segpos = find(isnan(xp) & isnan(yp));
		nseg = length(segpos)-1;
		for j=1:nseg
		% extract face vertices
			xseg = xp(segpos(j)+1:segpos(j+1)-1);
			yseg = yp(segpos(j)+1:segpos(j+1)-1);

	        nl = length(xseg);
	        area(i) = area(i) + abs(sum( diff(xseg).*(yseg(1:nl-1)+yseg(2:nl))/2 )); % formula from contourf

function [lat,lon] = singleNaN(lat,lon)

% SINGLENAN removes duplicate nans in lat-long vectors

if ~isempty(lat)
    nanloc = isnan(lat);	[r,c] = size(nanloc);
    nanloc = find(nanloc(1:r-1,:) & nanloc(2:r,:));
    lat(nanloc) = [];  lon(nanloc) = [];

function contor3mui

%  CONTOR3MUI creates the dialog box to allow the user to enter in
%  the variable names for a surfacem command.  It is called when
%  CONTOR3M is executed with no input arguments.

%  Copyright 1996-1998 by Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc. and The MathWorks, Inc.
%  Written by:  E. Byrns, E. Brown

%  Define map for current axes if necessary.  Note that if the
%  user cancels this operation, the display dialog is aborted.

%  Create axes if none found

if isempty(get(get(0,'CurrentFigure'),'CurrentAxes'))
    Btn = questdlg('Create Map Axes in Current Figure?','No Map Axes',...
    if strcmp(Btn,'No');    return;   end

%  Create map definition if necessary

if ~ismap
     cancelflag = axesm;
     if cancelflag;   clma purge;  return;   end

%  Initialize the entries of the dialog box

str1 = 'lat';     str2 = 'long';    str3 = 'map';
str4 = '';        str5 = '';        popvalu = 1;   flag2d = 1;

while 1      %  Loop until no error break or cancel break

    lasterr('')     %  Reset the last error function

%  Display the variable prompt dialog box

	h = Contor3mUIBox(str1,str2,str3,str4,str5,flag2d,popvalu);  uiwait(h.fig)

   if ~ishandle(h.fig);   return;   end

%  If the accept button is pushed, build up the command string and
%  evaluate it in the base workspace.  Delete the modal dialog box
%  before evaluating the command so that the proper axes are used.
%  The proper axes were current before the modal dialog was created.

    if get(h.fig,'CurrentObject') == h.apply
        str1 = get(h.latedit,'String');    %  Get the dialog entries
		str2 = get(h.lonedit,'String');
        str3 = get(h.mapedit,'String');
        str4 = get(h.lvledit,'String');
		str5 = get(h.propedit,'String');
%         flag2d = get(h.mode2d,'Value');
		popvalu = get(h.legpopup,'Value');

%  Make the other property string into a single row vector.
%  Eliminate any padding 0s since they mess up a string

		str5 = str5';   str5 = str5(:)';   str5 = str5(find(str5));

%  Set the 2D or 3D function name

%         if flag2d;    fnname = 'contorm(';
% 	       else;      fnname = 'contor3m(';
%         end

	fnname = 'contourfm('

%  Set the plot string prefix and suffix based upon the legend option requested

    switch popvalu
	   case 1,     prefix = '';   suffix = '';
	   case 2,     prefix = 'clear ans;[ans.c,ans.h]=';
	               suffix = 'clabelm(ans.c);clear ans';
	   case 3,     prefix = 'clear ans;[ans.c,ans.h]=';
	               suffix = 'clabelm(ans.c,ans.h);clear ans';
	   case 4,     prefix = 'clear ans;[ans.c,ans.h]=';
	               suffix = 'clabelm(ans.c,''manual'');clear ans';
	   case 5,     prefix = 'clear ans;[ans.c,ans.h]=';
	               suffix = 'clabelm(ans.c,ans.h,''manual'');clear ans';
	   case 6,     prefix = 'clear ans;[ans.c,ans.h]=';
	               suffix = 'clegendm(ans.c,ans.h,-1);clear ans';

%  Construct the appropriate plotting string and assemble the callback string

        if isempty(str4) & isempty(str5)
            plotstr = [fnname,str1,',',str2,',',str3,');'];
        elseif isempty(str4) & ~isempty(str5)
            plotstr = [fnname,str1,',',str2,',',str3,',',str5,');'];
        elseif ~isempty(str4) & isempty(str5)
            plotstr = [fnname,str1,',',str2,',',str3,',',str4,');'];
        elseif ~isempty(str4) & ~isempty(str5)
            plotstr = [fnname,str1,',',str2,',',str3,',',str4,',',str5,');'];

	    evalin('base',[prefix plotstr suffix],...
		        'uiwait(errordlg(lasterr,''Map Projection Error'',''modal''))')
		if isempty(lasterr);   break;   end  %  Break loop with no errors
        delete(h.fig)     %  Close the modal dialog box
		break             %  Exit the loop


function h = Contor3mUIBox(lat0,lon0,map0,alt0,prop0,flag2d,popvalu)

%  CONTOR3MUIBOX creates the dialog box and places the appropriate
%  objects for the CONTOR3MUI function.

%  Copyright 1996-1998 by Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc. and The MathWorks, Inc.
%  Written by:  E. Byrns, E. Brown

%  Compute the Pixel and Font Scaling Factors so
%  GUI figure windows and fonts look OK across all platforms

PixelFactor = guifactm('pixels');
FontScaling =  guifactm('fonts');

%  Create the dialog box.  Make visible when all objects are drawn

h.fig = dialog('Name','Filled Contour Map Input',...
           'Units','Points',  'Position',PixelFactor*72*[2 1 3 4],...
figclr = get(h.fig,'Color');

% shift window if it comes up partly offscreen


%  2D/3D Radio Buttons

% callback = 'set(gco,''Value'',1);set(get(gco,''UserData''),''Value'',0);';
% h.modelabel = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Text','String','Mode:', ...
%             'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  0.92  0.20  0.06], ...
% 			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
% 			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left',...
% 			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);
% h.mode2d = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Radio','String', '2D', ...
%             'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.30  .92  0.17  0.06], ...
% 			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, 'Value',flag2d,...
% 			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
% 			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr,...
% 			'Callback',callback);
% h.mode3d = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Radio','String', '3D', ...
%             'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.50  .92  0.17  0.06], ...
% 			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, 'Value',~flag2d,...
% 			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
% 			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr,...
% 			'Callback',callback);
% set(h.mode2d,'UserData',h.mode3d);     %  Set the user data so that the radio callback
% set(h.mode3d,'UserData',h.mode2d);     %  functions to make buttons exclusive

%  Map Limit Button

h.limitm = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Push','String', 'MLimit', ...
	        'Units', 'Normalized','Position', [0.74  0.92  0.24  0.06], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10,...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', 'Interruptible','on',...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black', 'BackgroundColor', figclr,...

%  Latitude Text and Edit Box

h.latlabel = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Text','String','Latitude variable:', ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  0.853  0.90  0.06], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left',...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

h.latedit = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Edit','String', lat0, ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  .78  0.70  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

h.latlist = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Push','String', 'List', ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.77  .78  0.18  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*9, ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr,...
			'Interruptible','on', 'UserData',h.latedit,...

%  Longitude Text and Edit Box

h.lonlabel = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Text','String','Longitude variable:', ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  0.713  0.90  0.06], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

h.lonedit = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Edit','String', lon0, ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  .64  0.70  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

h.lonlist = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Push','String', 'List', ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.77  .64  0.18  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*9, ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr,...
			'Interruptible','on', 'UserData',h.lonedit,...

%  Map Text and Edit Box

h.maplabel = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Text','String','Map variable:', ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  0.573  0.90  0.06], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

h.mapedit = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Edit','String', map0, ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  .50  0.70  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

h.maplist = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Push','String', 'List', ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.77  .50  0.18  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*9, ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr,...
			'Interruptible','on', 'UserData',h.mapedit,...

%  Levels Text and Edit Box

h.lvllabel = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Text','String','Level variable (optional):', ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  0.433  0.90  0.06], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

h.lvledit = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Edit','String', alt0, ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  .36  0.70  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

h.lvllist = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Push','String', 'List', ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.77  .36  0.18  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*9, ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr,...
			'Interruptible','on', 'UserData',h.lvledit,...

%  Legend Text and Popup Menu

h.leglabel = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Text','String','Legend:', ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  0.29  0.25  0.06], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

h.legpopup = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Popup',...
            'String', ['None|Label Above|Label Inline|Label Above Manual|',...
			           'Label Inline Manual|Plot Legend'], ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.35  .28  0.60  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', 'Value',popvalu,...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

%  Other Properties Text and Edit Box

h.proplabel = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Text','String','Other Properties:', ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  0.214  0.90  0.06], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

h.propedit = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Edit','String', prop0, ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  .10  0.90  0.11], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', 'Max',2,...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

%  Buttons to exit the modal dialog

h.apply = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Push','String', 'Apply', ...
	        'Units', 'Normalized','Position', [0.06  0.01  0.26  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10,...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'center',...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black', 'BackgroundColor', figclr,...
			'CallBack','uiresume'); = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Push','String', 'Help', ...
	        'Units', 'Normalized','Position', [0.37  0.01  0.26  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10,...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', 'Interruptible','on',...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black', 'BackgroundColor', figclr,...

h.cancel = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Push','String', 'Cancel', ...
	        'Units', 'Normalized','Position', [0.68  0.01  0.26  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr,...
