Documentation of name

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Function Synopsis

pj = name( pj )

Help text

NAME Method to check or create valid filename.
   Validate FileName in PrintJob object. If empty, no name passed to PRINT 
   command, but one is required by the driver, image file formats, we invent 
   a name and tell the user what it is. Also invent name, but do not tell 
   user, for temporary PS file created on disk when when printing directly 
   to output device or for GhostScript conversion.

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls This function is called by

Listing of function name

function pj = name( pj )

%   Copyright 1984-2000 The MathWorks, Inc. 
%   $Revision: 1.2 $  $Date: 2000/06/01 02:54:06 $

%Generate a name we would use if had to in various circumstances.
if isfigure( pj.Handles{1}(1) )
    objName = ['figure' int2str( pj.Handles{1}(1) )];
    objName = get_param(pj.Handles{1}(1),'name');

tellUserFilename = 0;
if isempty(pj.FileName)
    if pj.DriverExport & ~strcmp(pj.DriverClass,'MW')
        %These kinds of files shouldn't go to printer, generate file on disk
        pj.FileName = objName;
        tellUserFilename = 1;
        %File is going to be sent to an output device by OS or us.
        if strcmp( pj.DriverClass, 'MW' )
            %PC code can handle empty string, but not empty matrix
            filename = '';
            %Going to a file, invent a name
            pj.FileName = tempname;
            pj.PrintOutput = 1;
	%Both / and \ are commonly used, but in MATLAB we recognize only \
	pj.FileName = strrep( pj.FileName, '/', filesep );

%Append appropriate extension to filename if 
% 1) it doesn't have one, and 
% 2) we've determined a good one
if ~isempty( pj.DriverExt ) & ~isempty( pj.FileName )
    %Could assert that ~isempty( pj.FileName )
    [p,n,e,v] = fileparts( pj.FileName );
    if isempty( e )
        pj.FileName = fullfile( p, [n '.' pj.DriverExt v] );

if tellUserFilename
    %Invented name above because of device or bad filename
    if tellUserFilename == 1
        errStr1 = sprintf( 'Files produced by the ''%s'' driver cannot be sent to printer.\n', pj.Driver);
        errStr1 = '';
    warning( sprintf( '%sFile saved to disk under name ''%s''.', errStr1, pj.FileName ) )

%A little business to clear up.
%Now that we found good extension and all that for GS driver,
%we swap in a PS driver and temporary name for later conversion
%to a file whose name we just prettied up.
if strcmp( pj.DriverClass, 'GS' )
    %Remember actual device, get MATLAB to produce PostScript
    %for later conversion by GhostScript
    pj.GhostDriver = pj.Driver;
    if pj.DriverColor
        pj.Driver = 'psc';
        pj.Driver = 'ps';
    pj.GhostName = pj.FileName;
    pj.FileName = [tempname '.ps'];