Documentation of iduidemo

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Function Synopsis


Help text

IDUIDEMO Runs the ident demo.
   ARG is the number of the frame to be shown.

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls This function is called by

Listing of function iduidemo

function iduidemo(arg)

%   L. Ljung 4-4-94
%   Copyright (c) 1986-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
%   $Revision: 3.11 $  $Date: 1998/10/09 22:26:45 $

global XIDdemo XIDlayout
if arg==0
   if ~figflag(figname)
       butwh=[mStdButtonWidth mStdButtonHeight];
       ftb=mFrameToText;  % Frame to button
       bb = 4; % between buttons
       etf = mEdgeToFrame;
       EdWH=[5*butw+4*bb 14*mLineHeight+2*bb];
       FigW = EdWH(1)+2*(etf+ftb);
       pos = iduilay1(FigW,3);
            'string','Go Back','callback','iduidemo(2);','userdata',1,...
       uicontrol(fig,'Units','Points','pos',[etf lev2+etf [EdWH+[2*ftb 2*bb]]],'style','frame');
       XIDdemo(1)=uicontrol(fig,'Units','Points','pos',[etf+ftb lev2+etf+bb EdWH],'style',...
%           'edit','max',2,'fontsize',13,'Horizontalalignment','left');
       FigWH=[FigW lev2+2*etf+EdWH(2)+2*bb];
       ScreenPos = get(0,'ScreenSize');
       FigPos = [(ScreenPos(3)-FigWH(1)) FigWH(2)/4 FigWH];
       new_figpos = get(fig,'pos');
       FigPos = [(ScreenPos(3)-new_figpos(3)) new_figpos(4)/4 new_figpos(3:4)];
       if length(XIDlayout)>30,if XIDlayout(31,3)
    if isempty(iduiwok(16)),number=-1;else number=1;end

if number==-1

   text=str2mat('  The Graphical User Interface for the System Identification',...
   '   Toolbox (ident) is now being created. It is normally invoked',...
   '   by typing ident in the MATLAB command window.',...
   '   Be patient, it may take a while to finish.');
elseif number==1
   '  To follow the demo, please select menu items and click on buttons',...
   '  as prompted. You are of course free to explore other options during',...
   '  the demo, but the text assumes that you carry out all instructions.',...
   '  Note that you can resize this figure (and most other ident figures)', ...
   '  if necessary.  Try to resize now if you wish.', ...
   '  1) First type load dryer2 (without quotes) at the MATLAB command',...
   '     line.  This loads the data variables u2 and y2 into the workspace.', ...
   '     This data is from an actual hairdryer.  The input (u2) is the heating',...
   '     power and the output (y2) is the temperature of the outflow air.');

   set(XIDdemo(2),'userdata',2);   set(XIDdemo(3),'userdata',1);
elseif number==2
   '  2) In the ident window, press the popup menu Data and select Import....', ...
   '     This will open a dialog box.', ...
   '  3) Go to the dialog box and enter u2 into the editable text box beside',...
   '     Input: and y2 into the editable text box beside Output:.',...
   '  4) Enter a Sampling interval: of 0.08.',...
   '  5) Enter any variable name you wish in the box marked',...
   '     Data name:. For example: dry.');
    set(XIDdemo(2),'userdata',3);   set(XIDdemo(3),'userdata',1);
elseif number==3
   '  6) You can enter any text you wish in the box marked Notes.',...
   '     For example, %This is my first attempt at using ident.',...
   '  7) Now press the Import button and the data will the be represented', ...
   '     as an icon in the ident figure.  To close the Import Data dialog,', ...
   '     press the dialog''s Close button.');
   '     Notice that the data also fills the Working Data and the',...
   '     Validation Data icons. More about that later.') ;
    set(XIDdemo(2),'userdata',4);   set(XIDdemo(3),'userdata',2);

elseif number==4

   '   8) Click on the Time Plot checkbox beneath Data Views to open',...
   '      a plot figure.',...
   '   9) Examine the plot.  The plot figure has a number of options accessible', ...
   '      via the menu bar which you may wish to explore now.',...
   '  10) Note for example that Zoom under the Style menu is active.',...
   '      You can draw rectangles in the plot with the left mousebutton down.',...
   '      When you release the button, the area within the rectangle expands');
   '      to fill the axes. Double-click to return to the original plot limits.',...
   '      Click the left/right (alt-click) mouse button to zoom in/out.  Type',...
   '      help zoom at the MATLAB command line for more information.');
   set(XIDdemo(2),'userdata',5);   set(XIDdemo(3),'userdata',3);
elseif number==5
   ' 11) To remove the constant levels in the data sequences, return to', ...
   '     the ident window and select Remove means from the Preprocess', ...
   '     popup menu. Notice that a new data set will be inserted into the', ...
   '     Data board.',...
   ' 12) The new data set has also automatically been plotted in the',...
   '     Time plot figure. You may have to choose Autorange under the',...
   '     Options menu to see the new plots. To unplot a data set, just',...
   '     click on its icon to deselect it. We shall work further with',...
   '     a new data set, so drag and drop it onto the Working Data icon',...
   '     at the center of the ident figure.');
   set(XIDdemo(2),'userdata',6);   set(XIDdemo(3),'userdata',4);
elseif number==6
   ' 13) Now double-click on a data set icon. (On slower machines, use the right',...
   '     mousebutton if you have a three/two button mouse. With one',...
   '     button use the usual alt selection key sequence e.g. ctrl-click.)',...
   '     A new dialog box will open containing information about the data.',...
  '      At this point the name of the data can be changed. The color of',...
  '      its icon can also be changed. Try this, or just close the',...
  '      dialog by pressing its Close button.');
   set(XIDdemo(2),'userdata',7);   set(XIDdemo(3),'userdata',5);
elseif number==7
  '  14) Now select the Select range... option from the Preprocess', ...
  '     popup menu in the ident figure. A new figure will open.',...
  '  15) You can use the editable text fields to select a subset of the data.', ...
  '      Or, draw a rectangle (with the mouse button down) to select a portion',...
  '      of the data to be used for estimation purposes. For example, choose the',...
  '      interval from 1 to 50 seconds.  Note that if you make a mistake, you',...
  '      can erase the rectangle and restart by pressing the Revert button.',...
  '  16) Press Insert in the dialog box, and the selected data range',...
  '      is added as a new data set to the Data  board.');
   set(XIDdemo(2),'userdata',8);   set(XIDdemo(3),'userdata',6);
elseif number==8
  '   17) Repeat once more to select a portion of the data set to be',...
  '       used for validation purposes. For example, select the interval from',...
  '       50 seconds to the end. Insert this data set. Close the',...
  '       dialog by pressing its Close button.');
   set(XIDdemo(2),'userdata',9);   set(XIDdemo(3),'userdata',7);
elseif number==9
  '  18) In the Data board of the ident figure, select a data set to',...
  '      work with for estimation by dragging it to the Working Data',...
  '      icon. The data set to be used for validation purposes should be dragged',...
  '      and dropped onto the Validation Data icon.',...
  '  19) Use the third set (dryde) for estimation purposes and the fourth',...
  '      data set (drydv) for validation purposes.');
   set(XIDdemo(2),'userdata',10);   set(XIDdemo(3),'userdata',8);
elseif number==10
  '  20) To estimate the step response (or impulse response) of the system,',...
  '      select Correlation model... from the Estimate popup menu in', ...
  '      the ident figure. Press Estimate in the dialog box that opens.',...
  '      Note this adds a model to the Model board. Close the dialog.',...
  '  21) To view the result, click on the Transient Resp (Transient Response)',...
  '      checkbox beneath Model Views in the ident figure.',...
  '  22) Examine the various menu items in the plot that appears.');
   set(XIDdemo(2),'userdata',11);   set(XIDdemo(3),'userdata',9);
elseif number==11
  '  23) To estimate the frequency response of the system, select',...
  '      Spectral model... from the Estimate popup menu in the', ...
  '      ident figure.  Press Estimate in the dialog box that opens.',...
  '      Note that this adds a model to the Model board. Close the dialog.',...
  '  24)  To view the result, click on the Frequency Resp (Frequency Response)',...
  '       checkbox beneath Model Views in the ident figure.',...
  '  25)  Examine the various menu items in the plot that appears. Apart',...
  '       from Style and Options, these are the same as in the other plots.');
   set(XIDdemo(2),'userdata',12);   set(XIDdemo(3),'userdata',10);
elseif number==12
  '  26) Now, let us compute parametric models. Select Parametric models...', ...
  '      from the Estimate popup menu.', ...
  '      A new dialog will open. The idea is to enter model structure',...
  '      information into the Parametric Models dialog and then generate a', ...
  '      model by pressing the Estimate button.',...
  '      To help you with the model structures, the Order Editor',...
  '      provides more information on the different types of supported structures.');
   set(XIDdemo(2),'userdata',13);   set(XIDdemo(3),'userdata',11);
elseif number==13
  ' 27) As a default, a fourth order ARX type difference equation model has',...
  '     been selected. Press Estimate, and the model will be computed',...
  '     and inserted into the Model board as an icon. Note that the',...
  '     corresponding curves will be added in the open Model Views.',...
  ' 28) Open the Order Editor by pressing the button Order Editor',...
  '    in the Parametric Models dialog.',...
  '    Select the orders na=2, nb=2,  and nk=3, by using the',...
  '    popup menus in the model structure editor dialog. This indicates',...
  '    a second order model with a deadtime of 3 samples (i.e. 0.24 sec).');
  ' 29) Press Estimate to compute another model.');
   set(XIDdemo(2),'userdata',14);   set(XIDdemo(3),'userdata',12);
elseif number==14
  ' 30) Let us now look at the transient response. It contains',...
  '     three curves. On color screens, these are color coded along with',...
  '     the corresponding model icons in the Model board.',...
  ' 31) Clicking on the model icons in the ident figure the associated',...
  '     curves are added or removed from the open views.',...
  ' 32) Using the middle mouse button (alt selection or ctrl-click),',...
  '     you can click on a line in a Model View and the name of the model',...
  '     the line was generated by will be displayed. This is especially ',...
  '     useful for black and white monitors.');
   set(XIDdemo(2),'userdata',15);   set(XIDdemo(3),'userdata',13);
elseif number==15
  ' 33) Choose menu item Show 99% confidence intervals under the main menu',...
  '     Options in the Transient Response plot.',...
  '     Curves corresponding to confidence intervals will now be',...
  '     added to the plot. Picking the same menu item again disables',...
  '     the confidence curves.');
   set(XIDdemo(2),'userdata',16);   set(XIDdemo(3),'userdata',14);
elseif number==16
  ' 34) There are several other views by which the models can be evaluated',...
  '     These are listed under Model Views. It is better',...
  '     to open and close the view figures by clicking on the checkboxes,',...
  '     rather than to iconify the figures.',...
  ' 35) Pick the Model Output view. This shows a comparison between',...
 '     the models'' simulated outputs and the measured output, when applied',...
 '     to the validation data set. The (color coded) numbers at the side of',...
 '     the plot give the root mean square error between the actual and',...
 '     simulated outputs.');
   set(XIDdemo(2),'userdata',17);   set(XIDdemo(3),'userdata',15);
elseif number==17
 ' 36) The parametric model dialog allows a wide range of different',...
 '     model structures. Use the popup menu in the Parametric Models dialog',...
 '     to select State Space: (n). Here it is sufficient to',...
 '     select the order n of the state-space model, and then press Estimate.',...
 ' 37) If you don''t know what a good order is, you can enter a range of',...
 '     orders, e.g. 1:10. Then pressing Estimate opens a dialog',...
 '     within which different orders can be estimated by just clicking',...
 '     accordingly along the x-axis and then inserting the chosen models.');
   set(XIDdemo(2),'userdata',18);   set(XIDdemo(3),'userdata',16);
elseif number==18
 '   This is the last page of the demo.',...
 '   There are many other features to be explored. As you need to use more',...
 '   of the functionality, simply open the appropriate dialog box and press', ...
 '   the help button for more information.  Good luck!');
elseif number==19
if number<19,set(XIDdemo(1),'string',text);end