Documentation of quiverm2

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Function Synopsis

[h,a,b,c] = quiverm(varargin)

Help text

 QUIVERM  Two dimensional quiver plot projected on a map axes

  QUIVERM(lat,lon,u,v) projects two dimensional vector plot onto the current 
  map axes.  The vectors components (u,v) are specified at the points
  (lat,lon).  Note that both the (lat,lon) and (u,v) data must be in 
  the same angle units as the current map.  The vector is plotted from 
  (lat,lon) to (lat+u,lon+v).

  QUIVERM(lat,lon,u,v,s) uses the input s to scale the vectors after they 
  have been automatically scaled to fit within the rectangular grid.  If 
  omitted, s = 1 is assumed.  To suppress the automatic scaling, specify 
  s = 0.

  QUIVERM(lat,lon,u,v,'LineSpec'), QUIVERM(lat,lon,u,v,'LineSpec',s),
  QUIVERM(lat,lon,u,v,'LineSpec','filled') and
  QUIVERM(lat,lon,u,v,'LineSpec',s,'filled') use the LineSpec string
  to define the line style of the vectors.  If a symbol is specified in 
  'LineSpec', then the symbol is plotted at the base of the vector.  
  Otherwise, an arrow is drawn at the end of the vector.  If a marker is 
  specified at the base, then this symbol can be filled in by providing the 
  input string 'filled'.

  QUIVERM activates a Graphical User Interface to project a quiver plot onto 
  the current map axes.

  h = QUIVERM(...)  returns a vector of handles to the projected vectors.


Cross-Reference Information

This function calls

Listing of function quiverm2

function [h,a,b,c] = quiverm(varargin)

%  Copyright (c) 1996-98 by Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc. and The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: 1.9 $
%  Written by:  E. Byrns, E. Brown

%  This was moved up here because it's used later.

alpha = 0.33;   % Size of arrow head relative to the length of the vector
beta  = 0.33;   % Width of the base of the arrow head relative to the length

if nargin == 0
    quivermui;  return
elseif nargin < 4
    error('Incorrect number of arguments')
    lat = varargin{1};    lon = varargin{2};
	u   = varargin{3};    v   = varargin{4};
	varargin(1:4) = [];

%  Argument tests

if any([ndims(lat) ndims(lon) ...
        ndims(u)   ndims(v)  ] > 2)
    error('Input data can not contain pages')

elseif length(lat) == 1 & size(lat,1) ~= size(u,1)
    error('Lat vector input must have row dimension of u')

elseif length(lon) == 1 & size(lon,1) ~= size(u,2)
    error('Lon vector input must have column dimension of u')

elseif ~isequal(size(lat),size(lon),size(u),size(v))
	      error('Inconsistent dimensions for inputs')

%  Square up lat and lon if necessary

if length(lat) == 1
    lat = lat(:);     lat = lat(:,ones([size(u,2),1]));

if length(lon) == 1
    lon = lon(:)';     lat = lat(ones([1 size(u,1)]),:);

%  Parts of quiverm (quiver3m) closely parallel quiver (quiver3).
%  Unfortunately, you can not simply call quiver with projected
%  lat and lon data.  You do not get the appropriate clip and trim
%  data, which would preclude further re-projecting (using setm) of
%  the map.

%  Parse the optional input variables

switch length(varargin)
case 1
     filled = [];
     if ~isstr(varargin{1});   autoscale  = varargin{1};    linespec  = [];
	       else;               linespec   = varargin{1};    autoscale = [];

case 2
     linespec = varargin{1};
     if ~isstr(varargin{2});   autoscale  = varargin{2};    filled    = [];
	       else;               filled     = varargin{2};    autoscale = [];

case 3
     linespec = varargin{1};   autoscale = varargin{2};  filled = varargin{3};

     linespec = [];      autoscale  = [];       filled = [];

%  Test for empty arguments

if isempty(autoscale);   autoscale = 1;       end
if ~isempty(linespec)
    [lstyle,lcolor,lmark,msg] = colstyle(varargin{1});
    if ~isempty(msg);   error(msg);   end
    lmark = [];

%  Autoscaling operation is taken directly from quiver.

if autoscale
  % Base autoscale value on average spacing in the lat and lon
  % directions.  Estimate number of points in each direction as
  % either the size of the input arrays or the effective square
  % spacing if lat and lon are vectors.
  if min(size(lat))==1, n=sqrt(prod(size(lat))); m=n; else [m,n]=size(lat); end
  delx = diff([min(lat(:)) max(lat(:))])/n;
  dely = diff([min(lon(:)) max(lon(:))])/m;
  len = sqrt((u.^2 + v.^2)/(delx.^2 + dely.^2));
  autoscale = autoscale*0.9 / max(len(:));
  u = u*autoscale; v = v*autoscale;
  u(((m-2):m),((n-2):n)) = NaN * ones(3);
  v(((m-2):m),((n-2):n)) = NaN * ones(3);

% Extend this so a small vector can be drawn at the bottom of the screen

  if nargout > 1
    a1 = [-1 1/autoscale] * max(sqrt(u(:).^2 + v(:).^2)); 
    u = [NaN*ones(2,n); u];
    v = [NaN*ones(2,n); v];
    lon = [NaN*ones(2,n); lon];
    lat = [NaN*ones(2,n); lat];
    if n >= 4

%  Define lat and lon to extend the bottom of the figure a bit

      lon(2, n-3) = [lon(3,n-3)];
      lat(2, n-3) = [lat(3,n-3) - 1.2*dely];
      lat(1, n-3) = lat(3,n-3) - 2.4*dely;

%  Get shaft

      a = [lon(2,n-3) lon(2,n-3)+a1(1) NaN NaN; ...
           lat(2,n-3) lat(2,n-3)       NaN NaN; ]';

%  Get arrowhead

      a = [a [ ...
           lon(2,n-3)+a1(1)-alpha*(a1(1)+beta*eps); lon(2,n-3)+a1(1); ...
           lon(2,n-3)+a1(1)-alpha*(a1(1)-beta*eps); NaN] [...
           lat(2,n-3)+alpha*beta*(a1(1)+eps); lat(2, n-3); ...
           lat(2,n-3)-alpha*beta*(a1(1)+eps); NaN] ];

      b = [min(lon(:)) max(lon(:)) min(lat(:)) max(lat(:))];
      c = a1;

      disp('n < 4, so no arrow drawn.  You can change this if you want');


%  Make inputs into row vectors.  Must be done after autoscaling

lat = lat(:)';      lon = lon(:)';     u = u(:)';   v = v(:)';

%  Make the velocity vectors

vellat = [lat;  lat+u];   vellat(3,:) = NaN;
vellon = [lon;  lon+v];   vellon(3,:) = NaN;

%  Set up for the next map


%  Project the velocity vectors as lines only

if ~isempty(linespec)
    [h1,msg] = linem(vellat(:),vellon(:),linespec,'Marker','none');
    if ~isempty(msg);   error(msg);   end
    [h1,msg] = linem(vellat(:),vellon(:),'Marker','none');
    if ~isempty(msg);   error(msg);   end

%  Make and plot the arrow heads if necessary

alpha = 0.33;   % Size of arrow head relative to the length of the vector
beta  = 0.33;   % Width of the base of the arrow head relative to the length

h2 = [];
if isempty(lmark)
  % Make arrow heads and plot them
  hu = [lat+u-alpha*(u+beta*(v+eps));lat+u; ...
        lat+u-alpha*(u-beta*(v+eps))];       hu(4,:) = NaN;
  hv = [lon+v-alpha*(v-beta*(u+eps));lon+v; ...
        lon+v-alpha*(v+beta*(u+eps))];       hv(4,:) = NaN;

   if ~isempty(linespec)
       [h2,msg] = linem(hu(:),hv(:),linespec,'Marker','none');
       if ~isempty(msg);   error(msg);   end
       [h2,msg] = linem(hu(:),hv(:),'Marker','none');
       if ~isempty(msg);   error(msg);   end

%  Plot a marker on the base if necessary

h3 = [];
if ~isempty(lmark)
    [h3,msg] = linem(lat,lon,linespec,'LineStyle','none');
    if ~isempty(msg);   error(msg);   end
    if strcmp(filled,'filled')

%  Set the tags


%  Set the output argument if necessary

if nargout > 0;    h = [h1; h2; h3];   end


function quivermui

%  QUIVERMUI creates the dialog box to allow the user to enter in
%  the variable names for a quivem command.  It is called when
%  QUIVERM is executed with no input arguments.

%  Copyright (c) 1996-98 by Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc. and The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: 1.9 $
%  Written by:  E. Byrns, E. Brown

%  Define map for current axes if necessary.  Note that if the
%  user cancels this operation, the display dialog is aborted.

%  Create axes if none found

if isempty(get(get(0,'CurrentFigure'),'CurrentAxes'))
    Btn = questdlg('Create Map Axes in Current Figure?','No Max Axes',...
    if strcmp(Btn,'No');    return;   end

%  Create map definition if necessary

if ~ismap
     cancelflag = axesm;
     if cancelflag;   clma purge;  return;   end

%  Initialize the entries of the dialog box

str1 = 'lat';           str2 = 'long';    str3 = 'u';
str4 = 'v';             str5 = '';        str6 = '';    fill0 = 0;

while 1      %  Loop until no error break or cancel break

    lasterr('')     %  Reset the last error function

%  Display the variable prompt dialog box

	h = QuivermUIBox(str1,str2,str3,str4,str5,str6,fill0);  uiwait(h.fig)

   if ~ishandle(h.fig);   return;   end

%  If the accept button is pushed, build up the command string and
%  evaluate it in the base workspace.  Delete the modal dialog box
%  before evaluating the command so that the proper axes are used.
%  The proper axes were current before the modal dialog was created.

    if get(h.fig,'CurrentObject') == h.apply
        str1 = get(h.latedit,'String');    %  Get the dialog entries
		str2 = get(h.lonedit,'String');
        str3 = get(h.uedit,'String');
        str4 = get(h.vedit,'String');
		str5 = get(h.scledit,'String');
		str6 = get(h.lineedit,'String');
        fill0 = get(h.arrow,'Value');

%  Construct the appropriate plotting string and assemble the callback string

        switch fill0
	    case 0
            if isempty(str5) & isempty(str6)
               plotstr = ['quiverm(',str1,',',str2,',',str3,',',str4,')'];
            elseif isempty(str5) & ~isempty(str6)
               plotstr = ['quiverm(',str1,',',str2,',',str3,',',str4,',',str6,')'];
            elseif ~isempty(str5) & isempty(str6)
               plotstr = ['quiverm(',str1,',',str2,',',str3,',',str4,',',str5,')'];
            elseif ~isempty(str5) & ~isempty(str6)
               plotstr = ['quiverm(',str1,',',str2,',',str3,',',str4,',',str6,',',str5,')'];
	    case 1
	       fillstr = [' ''filled'' '];
           if isempty(str5) & isempty(str6)
               plotstr = ['quiverm(',str1,',',str2,',',str3,',',str4,',[],',fillstr,')'];
            elseif isempty(str5) & ~isempty(str6)
               plotstr = ['quiverm(',str1,',',str2,',',str3,',',str4,',',str6,',[],',fillstr,')'];
            elseif ~isempty(str5) & isempty(str6)
               plotstr = ['quiverm(',str1,',',str2,',',str3,',',str4,',',str5,',',fillstr,')'];
            elseif ~isempty(str5) & ~isempty(str6)
               plotstr = ['quiverm(',str1,',',str2,',',str3,',',str4,',',str6,',',str5,',',fillstr,')'];

		        'uiwait(errordlg(lasterr,''Map Projection Error'',''modal''))')
		if isempty(lasterr);   break;   end  %  Break loop with no errors
        delete(h.fig)     %  Close the modal dialog box
		break             %  Exit the loop


function h = QuivermUIBox(lat0,lon0,u0,v0,scale0,line0,fill0)

%  QUIVERMUIBOX creates the dialog box and places the appropriate
%  objects for the QUIVERMUI function.

%  Copyright (c) 1996-98 by Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc. and The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: 1.9 $
%  Written by:  E. Byrns, E. Brown

%  Compute the Pixel and Font Scaling Factors so
%  GUI figure windows and fonts look OK across all platforms

PixelFactor = guifactm('pixels');
FontScaling =  guifactm('fonts');

%  Create the dialog box.  Make visible when all objects are drawn

h.fig = dialog('Name','Quiver Map Input',...
           'Units','Points',  'Position',PixelFactor*72*[2 1 3 4],...
figclr = get(h.fig,'Color');

% shift window if it comes up partly offscreen


%  Latitude Text and Edit Box

h.latlabel = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Text','String','Latitude variable:', ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  0.922  0.90  0.06], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left',...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

h.latedit = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Edit','String', lat0, ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  .85  0.70  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

h.latlist = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Push','String', 'List', ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.77  .85  0.18  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*9, ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr,...
			'Interruptible','on', 'UserData',h.latedit,...

%  Longitude Text and Edit Box

h.lonlabel = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Text','String','Longitude variable:', ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  0.782  0.90  0.06], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

h.lonedit = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Edit','String', lon0, ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  .71  0.70  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

h.lonlist = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Push','String', 'List', ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.77  .71  0.18  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*9, ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr,...
			'Interruptible','on', 'UserData',h.lonedit,...

%  U Text and Edit Box

h.ulabel = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Text','String','U Component variable:', ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  0.642  0.90  0.06], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

h.uedit = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Edit','String', u0, ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  .57  0.70  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

h.ulist = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Push','String', 'List', ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.77  .57  0.18  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*9, ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr,...
			'Interruptible','on', 'UserData',h.uedit,...

%  V Text and Edit Box

h.vlabel = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Text','String','V Component variable:', ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  0.502  0.90  0.06], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

h.vedit = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Edit','String', v0, ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  .43  0.70  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

h.vlist = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Push','String', 'List', ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.77  .43  0.18  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*9, ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr,...
			'Interruptible','on', 'UserData',h.vedit,...

%  Scale Text and Edit Box

h.scllabel = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Text','String','Scale (optional):', ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  0.34  0.60  0.06], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

h.scledit = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Edit','String', scale0, ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.70  .34  0.25  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', 'Max',1,...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

%  Linespec Text and Edit Box

h.linelabel = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Text','String','LineSpec (optional):', ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  0.24  0.60  0.06], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

h.lineedit = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Edit','String', line0, ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.70  .24  0.25  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', 'Max',1,...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

%  Filled Arrow Heads Check Box

h.arrow = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Check','String','Filled Base Marker', ...
            'Units','Normalized','Position', [0.05  0.14  0.60  0.07], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', 'Value',fill0,...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr);

%  Buttons to exit the modal dialog

h.apply = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Push','String', 'Apply', ...
	        'Units', 'Normalized','Position', [0.06  0.01  0.26  0.09], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10,...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'center',...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black', 'BackgroundColor', figclr,...
			'CallBack','uiresume'); = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Push','String', 'Help', ...
	        'Units', 'Normalized','Position', [0.37  0.01  0.26  0.09], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10,...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', 'Interruptible','on',...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black', 'BackgroundColor', figclr,...

h.cancel = uicontrol(h.fig,'Style','Push','String', 'Cancel', ...
	        'Units', 'Normalized','Position', [0.68  0.01  0.26  0.09], ...
			'FontWeight','bold',  'FontSize',FontScaling*10, ...
			'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', ...
			'ForegroundColor', 'black','BackgroundColor', figclr,...
