Marshall Islands analyses
Imke Durre data URLs
SST anomaly standard deviation maps: ICOADS | NCEP optimal interpolation. 1984-2005, all months combined.
Updates of G | CTI | GR and CT* from Zhang, Wallace, and Battisti (1997, J. Clim.)
Darren Wilton's lightning presentation (ppt)
Mick Kelly and Phil Jones: Removal of the ENSO signal from the gridded surface air temperature data set.
AtmS 545: General Circulation class notes (PDF). There are problems with some of the symbols used in the equations, but the text is correct.
Wallace and Hobbs second edition figures by Todd Mitchell.
Quikscat atlas (Jessica Mjelde)
Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) precipitation data and analyses
Trends in 300-850mb Z thickness for 1979-2003 (PDF) (NCEP / NCAR reanalysis).
Florida Current transport, newer data obtained from NOAA AOML: PS | PNG
"The dominant patterns of climate variability," a presentation at Estuaries on the Edge
Seattle Washington on 17 September 2003:
PDF | Powerpoint
(only Mac-readable)
How to do things with Powerpoint.
Hurricane Days figure: PostScript | JPEG | PNG
Reconstructing 500-hPa height fields over the Northern Hemisphere (PDF) Brian Polansky thesis
Lisbon lecture: the following two files are for you.
Please write to Todd Mitchell (
) if you have any problems downloading these files.
Powerpoint presentation for Spain and Portugal
Recent trends in the Southern Oscillation (PDF)
The instrumental record of ENSO: 1840s - 2000 (PDF file).
Has ENSO variability increased in the last several decades?
AO-related surface
temperatures and precipitation variability
A superset of analyses for the trend, AO,
ENSO, and PDO variability in surface
temperatures and precipitation
Contributions of the AO and ENSO to observed trends.
AtmSci 211 class notes (Roberta Quadrelli)
"On the Arctic and Antarctic Oscillations", a lecture at the 2000 NCAR Advanced Studies Program Summer Colloquim on Dynamics of Decadal to Centennial Climate Variability.
Can ozone depletion and global warming interact to produce rapid climate change? (PDF file)
National Academy of Sciences report "Reconciling
Observations of Global Temperature Change."
Time series values so that you can update the figures.
Selected figures, and cartoons on the panel's findings
Symons' Lecture to the Royal Meteorological Society
A contribution to Bridges, "What science can and cannot tell us about greenhouse warming." PostScript file (45 kbytes) PDF file (24 kbytes)
The Arctic Oscillation (AO) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)
Class notes on SVD and EOF analyses (a PDF file).
David Thompson's color table (RGB values): image | digital values
Precipitation color table (RGB values). Courtesy of the International
Research Institute for Climate and Society:
image | digital values
Figures from Arctic climate article in National Geographic.