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Climate Impacts on the Pacific Northwest

Winter Quarter 2002

SMA 550C / ENVIR 500B / ATMS 591B / GPHYS 580B

Kaje Diagrams

Throughout this course, we'll use the Kaje method of conceptual mapping to diagram climate impacts on the Pacific Northwest. Each student-led discussion on Wednesdays will utilize the Kaje method to diagram climate impacts on the sector being discussed; the completed diagram should be distributed to the class at the next class meeting time.


Hints for producing a Kaje diagram:

  • Use the template provided on the first page of the Kaje diagram workbook
    • List the items for the diagonal matrix in column A and the matrix will fill itself in.
    • Modify cell "A1" with the desired formats for the matrix and then click on the "copy formats" button to transfer this format into all diagonal cells.
  • Because it's difficult to change things a lot in Excel, don't bother with things like outlining sub-groups until you are comfortable with the array.
  • When using "buttons" or rectangles, etc. in off-diagonal cells (such as the +/- boxes on the climate page in the workbook), we recommend drawing one and formatting it. Then you can copy and paste a dozen copies or more in an off-matrix "toolbox" area and grab them as needed.

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