COOP Southeast station data tables descriptions
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All columns in table are listed and described. Item in bold is that by which the table is sorted.
Table name: "all_stations.html"
Sorted alphabetically by station name
latitude (°N)
longitude (°W)
elevation (meters above sea level)
total number of NDJFM observations of each weather variable
Table name: "elevation.html"
latitude (°N)
longitude (°W)
elevation (meters above sea level)
Table name: "latitude.html"
latitude (°N)
longitude (°W)
elevation (meters above sea level)
Table name: "longitude.html"
latitude (°N)
longitude (°W)
elevation (meters above sea level)
Table name: "TMAXobs.html"
Stations with no TMAX observations not included
NDJFM days with TMAX observation (7563 possible)
mean TMAX on all NDJFM days with observations (°F)
standard deviation of TMAX on all NDJFM days with observations (°F)
Table name: "TMINobs.html"
Stations with no TMIN observations not included
NDJFM days with TMIN observation (7563 possible)
mean TMIN on all NDJFM days with observations (°F)
standard deviation of TMIN on all NDJFM days with observations (°F)
Table name: "PRCPobs.html"
Stations with no PRCP observations not included
NDJFM days with PRCP observation (7563 possible)
mean PRCP on all NDJFM days with observations (inches {LWE})
Table name: "SNOWobs.html"
Stations with no SNOW observations not included
NDJFM days with SNOW observation (7563 possible)
mean SNOW on all NDJFM days with observations (inches)
Table name: "TMAXmean.html"
Stations with no TMAX observations not included
NDJFM days with TMAX observation (7563 possible)
mean TMAX on all NDJFM days with observations (°F)
standard deviation of TMAX on all NDJFM days with observations (°F)
Table name: "TMINmean.html"
Stations with no TMIN observations not included
NDJFM days with TMIN observation (7563 possible)
mean TMIN on all NDJFM days with observations (°F)
standard deviation of TMIN on all NDJFM days with observations (°F)
Table name: "PRCPmean.html"
Stations with no PRCP observations not included
NDJFM days with PRCP observation (7563 possible)
mean PRCP on all NDJFM days with observations (inches {LWE})
Table name: "SNOWmean.html"
Stations with no SNOW observations not included
NDJFM days with SNOW observation (7563 possible)
mean SNOW on all NDJFM days with observations (inches)
Table name: "hiTMAX_DaysIndexRatios.html"
Stations with no TMAX observations not included
Days with extreme high TMAX (highest 1/15th of NDJFM TMAX observations)
Extreme positive NAM days with extreme high TMAX
Extreme negative NAM days with extreme high TMAX
Ratio of extreme positive to negative NAM days with extreme high TMAX ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Extreme positive PNA days with extreme high TMAX
Extreme negative PNA days with extreme high TMAX
Ratio of extreme positive to negative PNA days with extreme high TMAX ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Extreme positive CTI days with extreme high TMAX
Extreme negative CTI days with extreme high TMAX
Ratio of extreme positive to negative CTI days with extreme high TMAX ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "hiTMAX_RatioExtremeHighLowNAM.html"
Stations with no TMAX observations not included
Extreme high TMAX threshold - this value and greater considered "extreme high"
Days with such extreme high values of TMAX observed
Mean NAM index for days with extreme high TMAX
Number of extreme positive NAM days with extreme high TMAX
Number of extreme negative NAM days with extreme high TMAX
Ratio of extreme positive to negative NAM days with extreme high TMAX ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "hiTMAX_RatioExtremeHighLowPNA.html"
Stations with no TMAX observations not included
Extreme high TMAX threshold - this value and greater considered "extreme high"
Days with such extreme high values of TMAX observed
Mean PNA index for days with extreme high TMAX
Number of extreme positive PNA days with extreme high TMAX
Number of extreme negative PNA days with extreme high TMAX
Ratio of extreme positive to negative PNA days with extreme high TMAX ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "hiTMAX_RatioExtremeHighLowCTI.html"
Stations with no TMAX observations not included
Extreme high TMAX threshold - this value and greater considered "extreme high"
Days with such extreme high values of TMAX observed
Number of extreme positive CTI days with extreme high TMAX
Number of extreme negative CTI days with extreme high TMAX
Ratio of extreme positive to negative CTI days with extreme high TMAX ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "hiTMIN_DaysIndexRatios.html"
Stations with no TMIN observations not included
Days with extreme high TMIN (highest 1/15th of NDJFM TMIN observations)
Extreme positive NAM days with extreme high TMIN
Extreme negative NAM days with extreme high TMIN
Ratio of extreme positive to negative NAM days with extreme high TMIN ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Extreme positive PNA days with extreme high TMIN
Extreme negative PNA days with extreme high TMIN
Ratio of extreme positive to negative PNA days with extreme high TMIN ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Extreme positive CTI days with extreme high TMIN
Extreme negative CTI days with extreme high TMIN
Ratio of extreme positive to negative CTI days with extreme high TMIN ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "hiTMIN_RatioExtremeHighLowNAM.html"
Stations with no TMIN observations not included
Extreme high TMIN threshold - this value and greater considered "extreme high"
Days with such extreme high values of TMIN observed
Mean NAM index for days with extreme high TMIN
Number of extreme positive NAM days with extreme high TMIN
Number of extreme negative NAM days with extreme high TMIN
Ratio of extreme positive to negative NAM days with extreme high TMIN ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "hiTMIN_RatioExtremeHighLowPNA.html"
Stations with no TMIN observations not included
Extreme high TMIN threshold - this value and greater considered "extreme high"
Days with such extreme high values of TMIN observed
Mean PNA index for days with extreme high TMIN
Number of extreme positive PNA days with extreme high TMIN
Number of extreme negative PNA days with extreme high TMIN
Ratio of extreme positive to negative PNA days with extreme high TMIN ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "hiTMIN_RatioExtremeHighLowCTI.html"
Stations with no TMIN observations not included
Extreme high TMIN threshold - this value and greater considered "extreme high"
Days with such extreme high values of TMIN observed
Number of extreme positive CTI days with extreme high TMIN
Number of extreme negative CTI days with extreme high TMIN
Ratio of extreme positive to negative CTI days with extreme high TMIN ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "hiPRCP_DaysIndexRatios.html"
Stations with no PRCP observations not included
Days with extreme high PRCP (greatest 20% of days with measureable PRCP)
Extreme positive NAM days with extreme high PRCP
Extreme negative NAM days with extreme high PRCP
Ratio of extreme positive to negative NAM days with extreme high PRCP ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Extreme positive PNA days with extreme high PRCP
Extreme negative PNA days with extreme high PRCP
Ratio of extreme positive to negative PNA days with extreme high PRCP ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Extreme positive CTI days with extreme high PRCP
Extreme negative CTI days with extreme high PRCP
Ratio of extreme positive to negative CTI days with extreme high PRCP ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "hiPRCP_RatioExtremeHighLowNAM.html"
Stations with no PRCP observations not included
Extreme high PRCP threshold - greater than this value considered "extreme high"
Days with such extreme high values of PRCP observed
Mean PRCP value for days with extreme high PRCP
Mean NAM index for days with extreme high PRCP
Number of extreme positive NAM days with extreme high PRCP
Number of extreme negative NAM days with extreme high PRCP
Ratio of extreme positive to negative NAM days with extreme high PRCP ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "hiPRCP_RatioExtremeHighLowPNA.html"
Stations with no PRCP observations not included
Extreme high PRCP threshold - greater than this value considered "extreme high"
Days with such extreme high values of PRCP observed
Mean PRCP value for days with extreme high PRCP
Mean PNA index for days with extreme high PRCP
Number of extreme positive PNA days with extreme high PRCP
Number of extreme negative PNA days with extreme high PRCP
Ratio of extreme positive to negative PNA days with extreme high PRCP ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "hiPRCP_RatioExtremeHighLowCTI.html"
Stations with no PRCP observations not included
Extreme high PRCP threshold - greater than this value considered "extreme high"
Days with such extreme high values of PRCP observed
Mean PRCP value for days with extreme high PRCP
Number of extreme positive CTI days with extreme high PRCP
Number of extreme negative CTI days with extreme high PRCP
Ratio of extreme positive to negative CTI days with extreme high PRCP ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "hiSNOW_DaysIndexRatios.html"
Stations with no SNOW observations not included
Days with extreme high SNOW (greatest 20% of days with measureable SNOW)
Extreme positive NAM days with extreme high SNOW
Extreme negative NAM days with extreme high SNOW
Ratio of extreme positive to negative NAM days with extreme high SNOW ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Extreme positive PNA days with extreme high SNOW
Extreme negative PNA days with extreme high SNOW
Ratio of extreme positive to negative PNA days with extreme high SNOW ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Extreme positive CTI days with extreme high SNOW
Extreme negative CTI days with extreme high SNOW
Ratio of extreme positive to negative CTI days with extreme high SNOW ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "hiSNOW_RatioExtremeHighLowNAM.html"
Stations with no SNOW observations not included
Extreme high SNOW threshold - greater than this value considered "extreme high"
Days with such extreme high values of SNOW observed
Mean SNOW value for days with extreme high SNOW
Mean NAM index for days with extreme high SNOW
Number of extreme positive NAM days with extreme high SNOW
Number of extreme negative NAM days with extreme high SNOW
Ratio of extreme positive to negative NAM days with extreme high SNOW ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "hiSNOW_RatioExtremeHighLowPNA.html"
Stations with no SNOW observations not included
Extreme high SNOW threshold - greater than this value considered "extreme high"
Days with such extreme high values of SNOW observed
Mean SNOW value for days with extreme high SNOW
Mean PNA index for days with extreme high SNOW
Number of extreme positive PNA days with extreme high SNOW
Number of extreme negative PNA days with extreme high SNOW
Ratio of extreme positive to negative PNA days with extreme high SNOW ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "hiSNOW_RatioExtremeHighLowCTI.html"
Stations with no SNOW observations not included
Extreme high SNOW threshold - greater than this value considered "extreme high"
Days with such extreme high values of SNOW observed
Mean SNOW value for days with extreme high SNOW
Number of extreme positive CTI days with extreme high SNOW
Number of extreme negative CTI days with extreme high SNOW
Ratio of extreme positive to negative CTI days with extreme high SNOW ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "loTMAX_DaysIndexRatios.html"
Stations with no TMAX observations not included
Days with extreme low TMAX (lowest 1/15th of NDJFM TMAX observations)
Extreme positive NAM days with extreme low TMAX
Extreme negative NAM days with extreme low TMAX
Ratio of extreme positive to negative NAM days with extreme low TMAX ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Extreme positive PNA days with extreme low TMAX
Extreme negative PNA days with extreme low TMAX
Ratio of extreme positive to negative PNA days with extreme low TMAX ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Extreme positive CTI days with extreme low TMAX
Extreme negative CTI days with extreme low TMAX
Ratio of extreme positive to negative CTI days with extreme low TMAX ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "loTMAX_RatioExtremeHighLowNAM.html"
Stations with no TMAX observations not included
Extreme low TMAX threshold - this value and less considered "extreme low"
Days with such extreme low values of TMAX observed
Mean NAM index for days with extreme low TMAX
Number of extreme positive NAM days with extreme low TMAX
Number of extreme negative NAM days with extreme low TMAX
Ratio of extreme positive to negative NAM days with extreme low TMAX ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "loTMAX_RatioExtremeHighLowPNA.html"
Stations with no TMAX observations not included
Extreme low TMAX threshold - this value and less considered "extreme low"
Days with such extreme low values of TMAX observed
Mean PNA index for days with extreme low TMAX
Number of extreme positive PNA days with extreme low TMAX
Number of extreme negative PNA days with extreme low TMAX
Ratio of extreme positive to negative PNA days with extreme low TMAX ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "loTMAX_RatioExtremeHighLowCTI.html"
Stations with no TMAX observations not included
Extreme low TMAX threshold - this value and less considered "extreme low"
Days with such extreme low values of TMAX observed
Number of extreme positive CTI days with extreme low TMAX
Number of extreme negative CTI days with extreme low TMAX
Ratio of extreme positive to negative CTI days with extreme low TMAX ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "loTMIN_DaysIndexRatios.html"
Stations with no TMIN observations not included
Days with extreme low TMIN (lowest 1/15th of NDJFM TMIN observations)
Extreme positive NAM days with extreme low TMIN
Extreme negative NAM days with extreme low TMIN
Ratio of extreme positive to negative NAM days with extreme low TMIN ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Extreme positive PNA days with extreme low TMIN
Extreme negative PNA days with extreme low TMIN
Ratio of extreme positive to negative PNA days with extreme low TMIN ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Extreme positive CTI days with extreme low TMIN
Extreme negative CTI days with extreme low TMIN
Ratio of extreme positive to negative CTI days with extreme low TMIN ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "loTMIN_RatioExtremeHighLowNAM.html"
Stations with no TMIN observations not included
Extreme low TMIN threshold - this value and less considered "extreme low"
Days with such extreme low values of TMIN observed
Mean NAM index for days with extreme low TMIN
Number of extreme positive NAM days with extreme low TMIN
Number of extreme negative NAM days with extreme low TMIN
Ratio of extreme positive to negative NAM days with extreme low TMIN ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "loTMIN_RatioExtremeHighLowPNA.html"
Stations with no TMIN observations not included
Extreme low TMIN threshold - this value and less considered "extreme low"
Days with such extreme low values of TMIN observed
Mean PNA index for days with extreme low TMIN
Number of extreme positive PNA days with extreme low TMIN
Number of extreme negative PNA days with extreme low TMIN
Ratio of extreme positive to negative PNA days with extreme low TMIN ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "loTMIN_RatioExtremeHighLowCTI.html"
Stations with no TMIN observations not included
Extreme low TMIN threshold - this value and less considered "extreme low"
Days with such extreme low values of TMIN observed
Number of extreme positive CTI days with extreme low TMIN
Number of extreme negative CTI days with extreme low TMIN
Ratio of extreme positive to negative CTI days with extreme low TMIN ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "anyPRCP_DaysIndexRatios.html"
Stations with no PRCP observations not included
Days with any measureable (>0) PRCP
Extreme positive NAM days with measureable PRCP
Extreme negative NAM days with measureable PRCP
Ratio of extreme positive to negative NAM days with measureable PRCP ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Extreme positive PNA days with measureable PRCP
Extreme negative PNA days with measureable PRCP
Ratio of extreme positive to negative PNA days with measureable PRCP ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Extreme positive CTI days with measureable PRCP
Extreme negative CTI days with measureable PRCP
Ratio of extreme positive to negative CTI days with measureable PRCP ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "anyPRCP_RatioExtremeHighLowNAM.html"
Stations with no PRCP observations not included
Days with observed measureable (>0) PRCP
Mean NAM index for days with measureable PRCP
Number of extreme positive NAM days with measureable PRCP
Number of extreme negative NAM days with measureable PRCP
Ratio of extreme positive to negative NAM days with measureable PRCP ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "anyPRCP_RatioExtremeHighLowPNA.html"
Stations with no PRCP observations not included
Days with observed measureable (>0) PRCP
Mean PNA index for days with measureable PRCP
Number of extreme positive PNA days with measureable PRCP
Number of extreme negative PNA days with measureable PRCP
Ratio of extreme positive to negative PNA days with measureable PRCP ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "anyPRCP_RatioExtremeHighLowCTI.html"
Stations with no PRCP observations not included
Days with observed measureable (>0) PRCP
Number of extreme positive CTI days with measureable PRCP
Number of extreme negative CTI days with measureable PRCP
Ratio of extreme positive to negative CTI days with measureable PRCP ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "anySNOW_DaysIndexRatios.html"
Stations with no SNOW observations not included
Days with any measureable (>0) SNOW
Extreme positive NAM days with measureable SNOW
Extreme negative NAM days with measureable SNOW
Ratio of extreme positive to negative NAM days with measureable SNOW ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Extreme positive PNA days with measureable SNOW
Extreme negative PNA days with measureable SNOW
Ratio of extreme positive to negative PNA days with measureable SNOW ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Extreme positive CTI days with measureable SNOW
Extreme negative CTI days with measureable SNOW
Ratio of extreme positive to negative CTI days with measureable SNOW ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "anySNOW_RatioExtremeHighLowNAM.html"
Stations with no SNOW observations not included
Days with observed measureable (>0) SNOW
Mean NAM index for days with measureable SNOW
Number of extreme positive NAM days with measureable SNOW
Number of extreme negative NAM days with measureable SNOW
Ratio of extreme positive to negative NAM days with measureable SNOW ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "anySNOW_RatioExtremeHighLowPNA.html"
Stations with no SNOW observations not included
Days with observed measureable (>0) SNOW
Mean PNA index for days with measureable SNOW
Number of extreme positive PNA days with measureable SNOW
Number of extreme negative PNA days with measureable SNOW
Ratio of extreme positive to negative PNA days with measureable SNOW ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)
Table name: "anySNOW_RatioExtremeHighLowCTI.html"
Stations with no SNOW observations not included
Days with observed measureable (>0) SNOW
Number of extreme positive CTI days with measureable SNOW
Number of extreme negative CTI days with measureable SNOW
Ratio of extreme positive to negative CTI days with measureable SNOW ("*" denotes statistically significant ratio)